The average ranking for the eastern division is #20 the average ranking for the western division is #40.
5 Eastern teams are ranked ahead of the highest western team and all but one eastern team is ranked ahead of 4 western teams. The east has more teams in the top 10 than the west has in the top 39.
OSU #1
UM #5
MSU #6
PSU #10
Maryland #22
Rutgers #34
IU #75
Iowa #24
NW #27
Minn #28
Wisky #40
Neb #41
Illinois #58
Purdue #66
Big, Big, Difference even if recruiting rankings are not absolute.
5 Eastern teams are ranked ahead of the highest western team and all but one eastern team is ranked ahead of 4 western teams. The east has more teams in the top 10 than the west has in the top 39.
OSU #1
UM #5
MSU #6
PSU #10
Maryland #22
Rutgers #34
IU #75
Iowa #24
NW #27
Minn #28
Wisky #40
Neb #41
Illinois #58
Purdue #66
Big, Big, Difference even if recruiting rankings are not absolute.