Nothing earth shattering . . . just wanted to share . . .
One - Got to meet Rico. Saw him outside the stadium, yelled "hello Rico", and walked over to shake his hand. Had a surprised look on his face . . . probably thought he was about to get rolled.
Two - Providence. I posted a question about establishing an LLC last week, and one poster responded using my actual first name (Steve) . . . was very puzzled by that. Fast forward 24 hours, I am lining up at a urinal in SS, and I recognize a guy (Mark) next to me, who was a former colleague, and who I hadn't spoken too in 6+ years. I asked Mark what he was doing these days, and he tells me about his restaurant in Lansing. He then asks if I read his post (to Steve) re: an LLC. WTF . . . what are the chances?
Three - My daughter's high school band performed in Normandy, France in 2014 as part of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. One of their activities included writing a letter to a Michigan WWII veteran. The veteran (George), kept a picture of my daughter on his night stand and referred to her as "his girl". He passed away later that year, but my daughter stayed in touch with his wife (Frida). Fast forward to Sunday, and Frida, who we learned lived close to Lansing, meet us a Denny's for breakfast. George and Friday were both first generation German American's and grew up on farms near Grand Ledge, and both worked at the Lansing Olds plant for many years. Both were also life long Spartan fans who had season tickets for over 50 years before George's health began to deteriorate. Great stories, great experience.
Four - We took our friends daughter (Ally) out for dinner. He roommate (Wonders hall), an attractive and athletic woman, has already made friends with Raequan Williams, Josh Butler, Darrell Stewart, Jamal Lyles, and Alvin Ellis. The roommate is dating Darrell at this time. Ally had a lot of good, non-football stories about these guys, most of which were about typical college behavior. Two little stories to share though . . . 1 of the five players has skipped 3 classes in the past 2 weeks and got busted by the coach, and another is extremely immature, disliked by his teammates, and stuck gum in Ally's roommates hair as a joke. BTW - Frank's Press Box is an awful place to eat.
One - Got to meet Rico. Saw him outside the stadium, yelled "hello Rico", and walked over to shake his hand. Had a surprised look on his face . . . probably thought he was about to get rolled.
Two - Providence. I posted a question about establishing an LLC last week, and one poster responded using my actual first name (Steve) . . . was very puzzled by that. Fast forward 24 hours, I am lining up at a urinal in SS, and I recognize a guy (Mark) next to me, who was a former colleague, and who I hadn't spoken too in 6+ years. I asked Mark what he was doing these days, and he tells me about his restaurant in Lansing. He then asks if I read his post (to Steve) re: an LLC. WTF . . . what are the chances?
Three - My daughter's high school band performed in Normandy, France in 2014 as part of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. One of their activities included writing a letter to a Michigan WWII veteran. The veteran (George), kept a picture of my daughter on his night stand and referred to her as "his girl". He passed away later that year, but my daughter stayed in touch with his wife (Frida). Fast forward to Sunday, and Frida, who we learned lived close to Lansing, meet us a Denny's for breakfast. George and Friday were both first generation German American's and grew up on farms near Grand Ledge, and both worked at the Lansing Olds plant for many years. Both were also life long Spartan fans who had season tickets for over 50 years before George's health began to deteriorate. Great stories, great experience.
Four - We took our friends daughter (Ally) out for dinner. He roommate (Wonders hall), an attractive and athletic woman, has already made friends with Raequan Williams, Josh Butler, Darrell Stewart, Jamal Lyles, and Alvin Ellis. The roommate is dating Darrell at this time. Ally had a lot of good, non-football stories about these guys, most of which were about typical college behavior. Two little stories to share though . . . 1 of the five players has skipped 3 classes in the past 2 weeks and got busted by the coach, and another is extremely immature, disliked by his teammates, and stuck gum in Ally's roommates hair as a joke. BTW - Frank's Press Box is an awful place to eat.