In two years
-McDowell could be gone
-No seniors
-Beedle could be on the o-line
-Evans? Who knows, not even practicing right now
So in 2017 DT depth could look like
-Smith (jr)
-Williams (so)
-Owens? (jr)
-Peat? If he grows like his brothers (so)
-Whatever rs fr and true fr that will be coming in
-McDowell could be gone
-No seniors
-Beedle could be on the o-line
-Evans? Who knows, not even practicing right now
So in 2017 DT depth could look like
-Smith (jr)
-Williams (so)
-Owens? (jr)
-Peat? If he grows like his brothers (so)
-Whatever rs fr and true fr that will be coming in