A lot of good points are being made as to our inability to run the ball this past weekend. It is fascinating to watch the game from our seats ( 50 yard line Upper Deck Row 3). You can see all of the coverages that sometimes get missed on TV and see what we are doing offensively to match them. I am sure we are trying to hold things back and to realize that we have youngsters at RB position responsible for picking up blitzes and other protections. I have no idea what freedom CC has WRT changing plays, calling hot routes, etc and would like to hear Jim's opinion on this in our scheme and college football in general. I have the luxury of seeing the coverage at height and do not have to deal with a pass rush and 300 ponders coming at me at eye level. My question is can we not burn clock with a pass oriented short passing game? This wrinkle would keep other teams honest and give us a package to use later in games to burn clock while keeping low risk plays and making their defense suffer the consequences for loading the box. Are we hiding this wrinkle? Are we too stubborn with the run? The slants worked so well that I have to believe we can get in and out of these plays easily when that safety comes down especially on First Down. Thoughts?