I received this from the third-party company that built our SpartanMag.com ap (rivals.com did not build the ap):
Rivals has updated their login system page for the mobile site that the apps were using. The login within the apps will not work because of this update. I have submitted an update for these on Tuesday to Apple. Hopefully they will be updated by the middle of next week. Until the update is processed users will not be able to login. If a user is already logged in this should not effect them however.
I hope to have all the Android apps updated by Monday.
Rivals has updated their login system page for the mobile site that the apps were using. The login within the apps will not work because of this update. I have submitted an update for these on Tuesday to Apple. Hopefully they will be updated by the middle of next week. Until the update is processed users will not be able to login. If a user is already logged in this should not effect them however.
I hope to have all the Android apps updated by Monday.