Re: Winston. Put this in the rumor category, but it was heard from some pretty good sources. Three days before the draft he attended a charity golf tournament put on by Derrick Brooks. It is 10k to enter. Apparently some FSU alums paid a higher price price to play with Winston, only to have him show up right at the tee time. He showed up wearing loafers, so he had to play bare footed. (mind you, this is at a pretty exclusive course). Was on the phone the entire time, and left after the 10th hole. I tried to find some photographs, but no luck. I found the group photographs of the participants, but he was not in it, suggesting he was not there at the start. Needless to say, there are some p-offed people who donated money to this event.
I can see where this guy might be great a great teammate. However, he better be a star, or these things are going to catch up with him quickly.
I can see where this guy might be great a great teammate. However, he better be a star, or these things are going to catch up with him quickly.