I teach a high school semester course titled "Critical Reading and Writing through Athletics." In class, we cover gender, race, greatest moments in sports, current topics (Ray Rice, NCAA ru.es changes, etc...whatever comes up that seems to be a hot button topic or potential game changer ), one and done, NFL and NBA contracts, NCAA rules and what consitutes a violation (students are floored by some of the stupidity)...they write a personal narrative about their greatest sports moment (my example was the last Rosebowl victory over Stanford and being there with 80,000 Spartans), do a mini-research paper on a hot sports topic of their choice, do two small group presentations - one on various technological advances in athletics and the other on something they would like to change in a particular sport. We do many critical readings of short pieces of text and analyze the shifts and rhetorical moves, the stance and tone and poke holes in argumen
It is a great class and also approved by the NCAA Accreditation Committee, but thought I would ask for other suggestions. So, any creative topics or ideas, please respond so I can begin developing them this summer.
It is a great class and also approved by the NCAA Accreditation Committee, but thought I would ask for other suggestions. So, any creative topics or ideas, please respond so I can begin developing them this summer.