I remember reading or watching something earlier this year on MSU using or looking into some new tackling techniques - used a lot (maybe developed?) by the Seattle Seahawks. Supposed to be safer for the players. I forget the name of the technique, but I think of it as "drag tackling" - the tackler is placing their head behind the ball carrier and dragging them down instead of head in front and going through the ball carrier. Maybe it was during the spring game when the BTN was there?
Certainly not all, but quite a few of the missed tackles seem to come from a poor angle. Since the angles used for traditional and drag tackling are different, I wonder if we are seeing the impact of trying to adopt a new style of tackling? Kind of like trying to adopt a new golf swing - it takes awhile and things get worse before they get better.
Certainly not all, but quite a few of the missed tackles seem to come from a poor angle. Since the angles used for traditional and drag tackling are different, I wonder if we are seeing the impact of trying to adopt a new style of tackling? Kind of like trying to adopt a new golf swing - it takes awhile and things get worse before they get better.