Not sure if I'm renewing my season tickets this year. It's not because I'm disappointed about anything, in fact could not be happier with our programs. I do not post much on this site but have been a long time reader, This past month (actually Feb.)was not a good one. Some of you may have remembered I had a few post about my dad and his 86 year old girlfriend going to all the home and bowl games with me and my younger brother(61). In early Feb we lost dad's lady friend and when my dad returned from shopping to buy a new suit for the funeral he had a heart attack and also passed. When my dad passed my brother was in the hospital having his voice box removed due to cancer. The hospital let him out early to go the funeral and two days later died of breathing complications. The group of four that shared my tickets have all gone and I'm only one left. I am thinking of renewing my tickets just as sort of a way to honor all of them. Just don't know right now . Sorry this long but had to tell someone. As always GO GREEN