1. The phrase "Pound Green Pound" - ok, I understand we want to pound the ball...but where did that phrase originate? Was that from Dantonio? It makes no real sense. It doesn't rhyme, unless you count "pound" and "pound"....is it a reference to some pop culture thing I missed? It's never chanted at games, not a aprt of our fight song..."Go Green, Go White" is just fine for me.
2. Putting "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEAK" in the fight song. I'm sure there are some posters on here who have never been to an MSU game and heard the fight song in it's traditional way, without the "weeeeeeeeeak" in it. How did that EVER gain traction in the student section and how did it ever stay popular? Do other schools mess with their fight songs?
Both trivial....no big deal....just sharing.
2. Putting "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEAK" in the fight song. I'm sure there are some posters on here who have never been to an MSU game and heard the fight song in it's traditional way, without the "weeeeeeeeeak" in it. How did that EVER gain traction in the student section and how did it ever stay popular? Do other schools mess with their fight songs?
Both trivial....no big deal....just sharing.