E El Pablo All-Steve Smith Aug 29, 2001 2,853 1,603 113 Jun 3, 2015 #1 Firstly, who has seen this musical - hilarious. Second, can you help me with a discussion topic that came up about the "red" book at the end of the play. What did it say on the cover? I recall laughing, but forgot why... can you recall? TIA
Firstly, who has seen this musical - hilarious. Second, can you help me with a discussion topic that came up about the "red" book at the end of the play. What did it say on the cover? I recall laughing, but forgot why... can you recall? TIA
Sparty's 3rd Cousin All-Flintstone Jul 12, 2010 5,170 3,327 113 Jun 3, 2015 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
Sparty's 3rd Cousin All-Flintstone Jul 12, 2010 5,170 3,327 113 Jun 3, 2015 #3 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: coolrockt21